Sources:Archeiothrafstis (journal)/Editorial

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​Alberico Gentili (De juri belli libri tres, 1598) urged theologians to remain silent about that which did not concern them: “Silete theologi in munere alieno!”.

​Carl Schmitt (Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum, 1950) regarded a similar command as the motto of legal positivists: “Sileamus {nos jurisconsulti} in munere alieno!”.

​Giorgio Agamben (Stato di eccezione, 2005) reversed the command into a question: “Quare siletis jurisconsulti in munere vestro?”.

Why are you jurists silent about that which concerns you?

ARCHEIOTHRAFSTIS is published since 2011. And it is the expression of this aporia.

Interpretation and application of the law constitute the most practical aspect of practical philosophy, though they look like a vast desert, swept by sandstorms of legalistic doctrines, partisan catchwords and corny arguments (self-styled “political reasoning”, being nothing more than liberal jargon put in the mouth of a fearful right-winger).

We confront two extremes with regard to practical philosophy; sterile refinement and mere discrediting. Instead of indulging to extremism, we propose the plunge to the depths of philosophical thinking, in order to reveal the living elements that will probably allow a better scientific and political structuring.

At ARCHEIOTHRAFSTIS the point of view is much more important than the personal qualifications of the viewer. Therefore let austere scholars not be surprised if they come across a tone more militant than it is customary, or a writer without academic credentials; we are thinking and we are writing so as to act better and not in order not to act at all.

“Archeiothrafstis” is a greek neologism, meaning “archive-breaker”. By retrieving events and opinions we explain our current situation.

By breaking into the archives of the past, we break out of the chains of the present.

ARCHEIOTHRAFSTIS then and … practicable practical philosophy!