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Cite this page: Jason Koutoufaris-Malandrinos, “Archaeotrollism”, Archiopedia / Αρχειοπαίδεια (April 2020), p. 10 (revision #-), ISSN 2732-6012. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4674230.

Archaeotrollism is a term that describes the trolling activity in matters of archaeology. This protologism was coined by Ted Papakostas, a Greek archaeologist and instagrammer, who cultivates “what is called ‘pop archaeology’ through his Instagram project @archaeostoryteller”, by “introduc[ing] a fun way of perceiving the past and denounce the notion that antiquity is sacred and untouchable’ by making archaeological information plain yet accurate and enjoyable to a wider audience”.[1]


  1. TedXAthens, Ted Papakostas