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Cite this page: Barbara Tratsaert, “Abraq”, Archiopedia / Αρχειοπαίδεια (Future date), p. 136 (revision #-), ISSN 2732-6012. DOI: To be assigned (entry under construction).

The Abraq settlement (no known aliase(s)) is a Ptolemaic. It is still a point of discussion if abraq was a putative road Aswan-Berenike or a southern Ptolemaic route. 

1. Geography

The abraq settlement is located lat long.

2. Generalities

160m wide, protection of trade route; defensive wall, citadel inside wall, elephant hunting station?  Pictographs of elephants, gazelle, cows, warriors on horseback, christian crosses.

3. Hinterland sites: Aswan, Wadi al-Hudi, Bir Abu Hashim, Bir Jaliahya

4. References

Sidebotham et al 2008:  331, 352-3; Sidebotham 2011: 88, 128; Linant de Bellefonds (1832); Colston (1850s)