Archivum Documentorum Syndicatuum Studentium

Cite this page: Jason Koutoufaris-Malandrinos (ed.), “Archivum Documentorum Syndicatuum Studentium”, Archiopedia / Αρχειοπαίδεια (2021-), p. 7 (revision #-), ISSN 2732-6012. DOI: To be assigned.

This is a general index of materials related to student government and syndicalism.

Both the index and the cited materials will be regularly updated.

The reader must be sure to consult the latest version.

Archiopedia Identifier Other Identifiers Rights Country University University subdivision 1 University subdivision 2 University subdivision 3 Syndicate Syndicate organ Type Original title Date Language Author Summary Notes Source Original available online Transcription available online
ADSS-GR1956XXXX-1 ASKI Greece (Kingdom of Greece) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Law "Themis": Athens School of Law Student Association Constitution Καταστατικόν [Constitution] 1956-XX-XX. Greek Source Yes No
ADSS-GR20130612-1 Greece (Hellenic Republic) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Law "Themis": Athens School of Law Student Association Administrative Council Decision Αλληλεγγύη στους εργαζομένους της ΕΡΤ [Solidarity with the employees of ERT] 2013-06-12. Greek Expressing solidarity with the employees of ERT [Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation] in the aftermath of its closure by the Greek Government (11-06-2013) Source Yes No